Just looking through today’s paper and noticed that JB Hi-Fi is having a sale on iPad 2s. All models of WiFi and 3G versions seem on sale so may be a good time to get one if you have been deliberating. As always there are cheaper prices overseas just keep in mind Apple may not accept warranty claims on OS bought iPads (and other Apple products for that matter) and also any sales disputes can be a bit of a pain to get resolved. Not sure on the stock levels Jbs would be carrying so recommend giving them a call first. You can get their number and locations from the website and I won’t post a link here as I am sure you can work out their website yourself – and if you can’t I would have to ask how you made it this far…. Also check out the Pinball game on iPad 2, sheer enjoyment. Enjoy.


PS Feel free to comment below where you have found a great price on your Apple devices.